Reckless use of off-road vehicles can cause severe injury and death, but irresponsible use is not the only danger; manufacturers also share the responsibility of making sure their products are safe to use. If you or a loved one has been injured in an ATV or UTV accident in the Kansas City region or anywhere in the U.S., a recreational accident lawyer with Presley & Presley may be able to help you recover just compensation for all damages.
Why Choose an Experienced Injury Lawyer with Our Kansas City Firm?
Presley & Presley Trial Attorneys is an award-winning firm based in Kansas City that handles cases nationwide. Our mission is to help people recover what was taken from clients and bring about a measure of peace of mind. We are also active in helping communities become safer thanks to changes in laws and policies that come about because of our fierce advocacy on behalf of clients. We are a small but powerful firm with the resources, expertise, and experience to match or surpass large firms that handle many cases at once. What sets us apart is the fact that we choose to focus on a small number of cases rather than volume because that is what helps us attain our goal of helping people get justice after negligence has turned their lives upside down. Partnering with us means getting a seasoned legal team on your side that thrives in going up against big corporations and their insurers. We are a firm whose name alone prompts reconsideration in the boardrooms of insurance companies.