Understanding Liability in Dog Bite Incidents

Some people will intentionally train their dog to exhibit a propensity for aggression, and certain breeds, such as pit bulls, rottweilers, Dobermans, and other “guard dog” breeds, are frequently trained for this very purpose. When a dog attacks someone, and the owner is negligent in protecting people from his or her dog, that person could be held liable for the injuries and related damages. These cases can be complicated to deal with on your own—particularly if you or a loved one is trying to recover from serious injuries from the attack.

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Why Choose Presley & Presley for a Dog Bite Injury Case?

We are a small firm based in Kansas City with a powerful team of experienced, award-winning personal injury lawyers who have won a multitude of significant cases for our clients nationwide. We are a boutique firm because that aligns with our mission to help people recover what they’ve lost, make people safer, and help fellow professionals in our field get the best results possible for their clients. Our reputation and extensive personal injury law and insurance industry expertise have made our firm a leader in getting successful, meaningful outcomes for people who have been seriously injured. We attained our reputation and successful track record because we are meticulous in the application of the law when it comes to protecting clients’ rights. Rather than taking on many cases at once as larger firms do, we opt for detailed, personalized attention so we get it right. We know what is on the line for clients facing catastrophic injuries, so we are passionate about getting results.

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Speak with a Dog Bite Lawyer Experienced in these Difficult Cases

Serious dog bites can be debilitating and painful, often leading to disfigurement or permanent scarring. A dog’s teeth can severely damage muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other tissue, resulting in loss of bodily function or range of motion. In the most tragic cases, these injuries can lead to a permanent disability and require extensive plastic and reconstructive surgery. Additional to this is the emotional trauma these attacks may cause, especially for the most common dog bite victim—children. Dog bite injury cases often fall under the area of premises liability, and an attorney on our team is well-versed in handling the intricacies of these kinds of claims. Schedule a consultation today to find out what your options are for seeking the compensation you need for expensive medical care and other damages.

Establishing Responsibility for a Dog Attack

Proving liability for serious dog bite injuries requires skilled investigation and proper evidence of fault in alignment with state laws. If the dog has bitten someone before, its owner may also face criminal charges and fines for repeated negligence. In regard to personal injury law, Missouri applies a “strict liability” rule, specifically in regard to dog bites. Even if the dog owner was not aware that his dog would bite someone or if the dog owner was not negligent in handling the dog, an injured person can still seek damages but must prove the following:

  • The injury was caused by a dog bite or attack
  • The individual who was bitten or attacked was either on public property or lawfully on private property
  • The person bitten or attacked did not provoke the dog
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We know you need Substantial Compensation

Damages you may be entitled to include current and future medical expenses, rehabilitative costs, loss of income or wages, and pain and suffering. Most dog bite cases can be resolved through the dog owner’s homeowners’ or renters’ insurance coverage as part of premises liability. However, such claims are typically difficult to file and even harder to negotiate without the skilled representation of an injury attorney with the resources and reputation that causes insurance companies to reconsider their stance. We know how to attain the necessary details and information and communicate these effectively to gain just and full compensation in the wake of a dog attack. 

Schedule a Consultation with our Dog Bite Lawyer for Skilled, Personalized Advocacy

Getting an insurance company to do what seems innately right can prove difficult. Our legal team has a track record of success when it comes to holding at-fault parties and their insurance companies accountable for the full damages experienced by a dog bite victim. Contact our offices in Kansas City today to schedule a free initial consultation with an injury attorney dedicated to protecting your rights.

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