When Aviation Fails Legal Recourse for Victims of Plane Crashes

According to the Federal Aviation Administration, there are nearly 170,000 fixed-wing general aviation aircraft (non-scheduled, civil aircraft excluding any for-hire aircraft) in use across the U.S. which account for over 25.5 million flight hours annually. Add to that number the nearly 15,000 chartered flights for sightseeing, business and personal travel, and the thousands of corporate-owned business jets, and the sky is pretty full. While air travel is remarkably safe considering the number of flights every day in comparison to comparable statistics for vehicular travel, the nature of aircraft travel means the manufacturing, maintenance, repair, fueling, operation, and piloting skills of planes have to be near-perfect. Any negligence in one of these areas can cause a fatal crash. If you or a loved one has experienced a plane crash then you need the help of a plane crash attorney who is an expert in this area of personal injury and is dedicated to getting justice for negligent actions.

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Our Plane Crash Lawyer has a Proven Track Record of Success Nationwide

Presley & Presley Trial Attorneys is an award-winning firm in Kansas City representing plane crash cases regionally and nationwide. We are a small but powerful firm with the resources and cutting-edge litigation skills to go up against big corporations and their insurers and obtain maximal compensation for accident victims and their families. Our mission is to help plaintiffs get justice after suffering negligence and to further policies and laws to protect the safety of others. Additionally, we are very active in the legal community, helping pass on our expertise and experience to other legal professionals to strengthen our collective ability to successfully help accident victims whose lives have been turned upside down. Rather than becoming a large law firm handling many cases at once, we find that our record of success in gaining millions for our clients comes with plenty of individualized, personal attention and specializing in catastrophic injury and insurance bad faith cases. Jill Kirk is an award-winning aviation lawyer and Kirk Presley has decades of experience handling aviation accident cases. Partnering with us makes our combined team a force to be reckoned with.

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Consult with a Seasoned Kansas City Aircraft Accident Attorney Skilled in Handling Complex Plane Accident Cases

When you are up against large companies and their insurers, you need to make sure you are aware of your rights and ready for any tactics they may throw your way to either deny liability or get you to settle for a fraction of the actual damages you are facing after a plane crash. We are passionate about recovering full compensation for immediate damages from the accident and damages you and your family may continue to deal with into the future such as:

  • Medical Expenses: Emergency treatment, hospitalization, surgery, medication, rehabilitation and any future medical care
  • Lost Wages and Lost Earning Capacity: Compensation for missed work, inability to work while recovering, and lost potential earnings due to partial or full disability.
  • Pain and Suffering: Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Loss of Consortium: Loss of companionship, affection, support and other such impacts on a spouse or partner.

About Plane Crash Liability

Determining liability in a plane crash can be complicated because there may be multiple sources of liability. Our job is to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the crash, the crash site, the maintenance records, pilot’s history and any other relevant factors. With the help of experienced aviation experts, we determine liability after finding the cause(s) of the crash and effectively communicating our findings in a claim showing how negligence caused our client’s injuries or death and what damages the victim or their family is rightfully entitled to. Examples of negligence include:

  • Mechanical failure due to improper or neglected maintenance or defective equipment
  • Malfunctioning avionics equipment
  • Failure to follow safety procedures or inspections
  • Inexperienced pilot in inclement weather
  • Other pilot error
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Don’t Face an Aviation Accident Case on Your Own. See the Critical Difference an Experienced Plane Crash Lawyer Makes

Contact Presley & Presley today to schedule an initial consultation. Our plane crash attorney will go over your case, one-on-one, to help you understand your rights and options. We have successfully partnered with referring attorneys, victims and their families to bring powerful representation in even the most complex cases against some of the biggest companies in the country. We have a well-earned reputation for not backing down when it comes to getting justice for those who have experience serious injuries or the loss of a loved one due to another party’s negligence.

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